Help Kids Make A Difference:

About Team Kindness and Diane Rose-Solomon, creator of Pets People Planet Connection, and founder of Animal Magic Films:
Kind Kids are changing the world, and Team Kindness is committed to celebrating, supporting, and connecting them with opportunities to showcase their compassion. Diane Rose-Solomon is an award-winning author, Certified Humane Education Specialist, speaker, and animal adoption advocate. Diane’s vision is to connect people, animals and community all over the world to foster a Pets People Planet Connection.
Diane’s new chapter is focused on Documentary Films About the Human-Animal Bond.
Visit Animal Magic Films to learn more.
Get Social with Diane:
Meet Adorable JJ!
Order copies for classrooms, children’s groups, or your own home. For discounts, contact info at team-kindness dot com directly.
JJ The American Street Dog
Will JJ find a loving home? Will Maya get the dog she always wanted? Find out in JJ The American Street Dog.
JJ Goes to Puppy Class
JJ is digging holes in the garden, jumping up on furniture–and more! Can puppy class help? Find out in JJ Goes to Puppy Class.
Now in hardcover and eBook!
JJ The American Street Dog: Hardcover, eBook • JJ Goes to Puppy Class: Hardcover, eBook
About JJ The American Street Dog: Maya has wanted a dog for as long as she can remember. Just when her parents decide to buy her one, her Uncle Jerry finds a homeless puppy that he can’t keep. Although Mom is skeptical about keeping a dog from the street, she agrees to take in the pup and they name him JJ. Before long, JJ warms his way into their hearts, and Maya and her family learn about homeless animals and how they can be a part of the solution to end pet overpopulation.
About JJ Goes to Puppy Class: Maya just adopted her puppy JJ and couldn’t be more excited! JJ is excited too and you know what that means… he’s digging holes in the garden, jumping up on furniture, having an occasional accident in the house and many more puppy-like things! Maya’s mom signs the whole family up for puppy-training class, where they will have fun learning how to keep JJ and those around him happy and safe. Plus the bonding time spent together is priceless!